
The 内分泌学 Department cares for patients with hormone conditions. The endocrine system produces the hormones your body needs to work correctly. 内分泌系统中的腺体 include the thyroid, parathyroid, pituitary, and adrenal glands, among others.


We diagnose, evaluate, and treat a number of hormone-related conditions. Many of these conditions are caused by the endocrine system producing too few, or too many, hormones. 我们治疗的一些情况包括:

  • 阿狄森氏病 occurs when the adrenal glands do not produce enough of the hormones your body needs to work properly. 这会影响水的平衡, 钠, 以及体内的钾, and harms its ability to control 血压 and react to stress.
  • 肾上腺肿瘤 肾上腺有异常增生吗. 大多数是良性的(非癌性的),称为腺瘤. 恶性肾上腺增生(癌症)是罕见的.
  • 胆固醇疾病 包括高脂血症和低脂血症. Cholesterol is essential for life, and is found in the body cells of all animals, including humans. 你的身体需要胆固醇来正常工作. 高脂血症 means you have an unusually high level of fat (lipids) in your blood. This puts you at risk for many health problems, including heart attack and stroke. 它有时被称为高血胆固醇. 低脂血症 说明你血液中的脂肪含量很低. 它有时被称为低血胆固醇.
  • 先天性肾上腺增生症(CAH) 是出生时就有遗传病吗. 它会影响肾上腺, causing them to produce low levels of the hormones 皮质醇 and 醛固酮, 男性性激素(雄激素)水平高. CAH有两种形式: 非经典的 (最常见和最不严重),以及 经典. 非典型性CAH是最常见的遗传性疾病之一.
  • 康涅狄格州的疾病 is a condition in which the adrenal glands produce too much 醛固酮. It is frequently caused by a benign (non-cancerous) tumor of an adrenal gland.
  • 库兴氏综合征 is a condition in which the adrenal glands produce too much 皮质醇. It is frequently caused by a benign (non-cancerous) tumor of the pituitary gland.
  • 糖尿病 is a condition marked by high levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood. 在过去的几十年中, the condition has become relatively common in the United States with more than 18 million Americans living with 糖尿病—most often type 2. 人们可以在任何年龄得糖尿病. 我们的 糖尿病项目 支持糖尿病的全方位护理, 包括饮食咨询, 胰岛素泵和广泛的糖尿病教育活动.
  • 甲状腺机能亢进 甲亢最常见的病因是什么, which means that the thyroid gland produces more hormones than the body needs. It is caused by an autoimmune disorder, where the body's immune system destroys its own tissues.
  • 生长激素紊乱 (acromegaly) is a condition in which the pituitary gland secretes growth hormone after the normal growth of the skeleton and other organs is complete. In almost all cases, it is caused by a benign (non-cancerous) tumor of the pituitary gland.
  • 甲状旁腺功能亢进 (excess parathyroid hormones) in a condition in which one or more of the parathyroid glands makes too many hormones. 这会导致骨质疏松或骨密度下降.
  • 垂体机能减退 is a condition in which the pituitary gland is not producing one or more of its hormones, 或者分泌的激素低于正常水平. These hormones stimulate other endocrine glands to produce their hormones. 例如, if the pituitary gland doesn't make thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), 甲状腺不能正常工作. 垂体功能减退症是一种罕见的疾病.
  • 甲状腺机能亢进 (excess thyroid hormones) is a condition in which the thyroid gland produces more hormones than the body needs.
  • 甲状腺功能减退 (low thyroid hormones) is a condition in which the thyroid gland produces fewer hormones than the body needs.
  • 男性性腺机能减退 (low 睾酮) is caused by a man's testes failing to produce normal levels of the male sex hormone, 睾酮. Some men are born with hypogonadism, while others may develop the condition later in life. 男性性腺功能减退症有两种: 原发性性腺机能减退在这种情况下,睾丸不能正常工作 继发性性腺机能减退在这种情况下,睾丸不会受到刺激而产生激素. This happens because of a problem with the pituitary or hypothalamus glands, such as a tumor.
  • 男性不育 is a condition in which a problem with a man's reproductive systems is the reason why a couple is unable to become pregnant after having regular, 一年的无保护性交. 不孕不育对男性和女性的影响是平等的. 大约一半的不育问题是由男性不育引起的.
  • 代谢综合征 is a condition that includes several disorders of the body's metabolism. Metabolism refers to how your body creates energy from the food you eat. 代谢综合征包括高血压, 胰岛素抵抗, 肥胖, 以及血液中“坏”胆固醇的高水平. All of these conditions increase your risk of getting heart disease, 肾脏疾病, 糖尿病, 或者中风.
  • 多发性内分泌瘤(MEN) 三的名字是稀有的吗, inherited disorders that cause extra tissue (hyperplasia) or adenomas (tumors) to grow on the endocrine glands. This can cause several endocrine glands to become overactive (produce too many hormones) at the same time. The three kinds of MEN are Type 1 (the most common), Type 2A, and Type 2B. The glands most often affected are the parathyroid, the pancreas, and the pituitary.
  • 骨质疏松症 is a condition in which more calcium from the bones is being lost than is being replaced. 健康y bone is a living tissue, made up mainly of calcium and protein. 因此,骨骼总是在增加和减少细胞. When bones lose too much calcium, they becomes less dense and can weaken. 脆弱的骨头更容易骨折.
  • 垂体肿瘤 脑下垂体有异常生长吗. 大多数是良性的(非癌性的),称为腺瘤. 即使它们是良性的, such adenomas can cause significant symptoms if they produce excess pituitary hormones, 或者长得足够大,压迫大脑或附近的神经.
  • 前驱糖尿病 (hyperglycemia) is a condition in which a person's blood sugar (glucose) levels are higher than normal, 但还没有高到被归类为糖尿病的程度. A person with pre-糖尿病 is at risk of developing type 2 糖尿病. 然而, 通过改变生活方式, a person with pre-糖尿病 can reduce his or her risk of developing type 2 糖尿病.
  • 甲状腺结节 甲状腺上有肿块或增生吗. 它们相当普遍,尤其是在50岁以上的人群中. 在大多数情况下, 这些生长是良性的(非癌性的)。, 但是大约5%的甲状腺结节可能是恶性的, 或癌变.


Many of the conditions listed above mention the following glands that produce hormones:

  • 脑下垂体 is about the size of a pea, and is located at the base of the brain. 它控制着所有内分泌腺中激素的产生. 脑下垂体分泌调节生长的激素, 性功能, 以及身体的体液平衡.
  • 肾上腺 是在肾脏的顶部吗. 它们产生肾上腺素, 皮质醇, 醛固酮, and other steroid hormones that enable the body to respond to stress.
  • 甲状腺 is a butterfly-shaped organ found in the center of the neck, below the Adam's apple. 它产生并储存控制身体心率的激素, 血压, 新陈代谢(身体如何从食物中获取能量).
  • 甲状旁腺 控制血液中的钙含量. These four small glands are located in the neck, at the corners of the thyroid gland.